Abstract Art

Crystal Ball

Crystal Ball
Alex Hinders, 2013.
Colored pencil and pen.
The problem side effects of levitra of impotency is very much prevalent across the world and the availability of treatments has allowed males to treat their sexual problem with reduced cost of the treatment. To make myself appear beautiful I viagra properien always pray in the morning and night. It also heightens up the testosterone level, stabilizes mood and helps to get order viagra online rid of masturbation addiction. It improves purchase of viagra desire for lovemaking and helps to maintain quality erection for the complete and satisfactory sexual intercourse.
It’s really hard to make plans in life. It’s hard enough to see what you want to do and where you want to go next. Even if you somehow catch a glimpse of this — which is hard — you still have to execute the plan. Unfortunately,  the more elaborate the plan you make, the more variables are present, and the more likely that something will go wrong. Despite this, not making plans won’t really get you anywhere — or at least, you shouldn’t count on it. I suppose that’s why people go to fortune tellers. Wouldn’t it be great if someone could just tell you exactly what you need to do next in life? Maybe not great, but easy. Easier.

I’m starting to get some glimpses of what I want to do next, even if it’s a little hazy. It’s like getting quick and fleeting visions from a crystal ball.

Abstract Art

Introspective Pain

TwoLadiesB TwoLadiesA

Introspective Pain
A slight foreplay is required to price of levitra allow the penis to erect fully. These medications are protected and compelling method for order cialis treating an individual. Though the symptoms are common, basic reasons differ in each buying viagra in india case. Are they recommending some on line cialis other online institute for the same course? Have they mentioned the reason why? Collect as much information as possible. Alex Hinders, 2013.
Colored pencil and pen.
This drawing represents a person — possibly me — looking deep into themselves, and dwelling on things that in turn bring them pain. The Pink part in the middle is the vulnerable part of ourselves that we usually try to defend and keep hidden from sight. This is also one of those drawings that can be viewed in two directions — you can keep swirling the paper around like a circling thought.. You can click on either of them to enlarge and view, of course.